Night Guards
Thermoformed and light cured resin night guards to treat patients with bruxism and for patients who have just had restorations such as implants and crowns to assist with the healing process.
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3D Printed Night Guards
We now make 3D Printed night guards. These are all made from a biocompatible light cured resin. Made digitally and then printed allows these to be reprinted in the event that one is broken for a fraction of the original price. They also allow you to sell a spare at a discount to capture additional sells up front.
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Clear Essix Retainers
Clear Essix Retainers from Hard coPolyester thermoformed over a model. These provide a cosmetic option for patients who have completed ortho and need to keep their smile protected.
Partial Removable Dentures
Partial Removable Dentures or RPD also known as a Flipper these are a good option for patients missing teeth but unable to afford an implant or bridge.
Full Removable Dentures
We now offer full removable dentures. Realignments, repairs and new dentures are all made to the highest quality standards. We also offer 3D Printed night guards as a low cost alternative to traditional dentures.
All on 4's or Hybrids
All-on-4 (or 5 or 6) Reconstructions on Titanium, Pectin or Zirconia Bars although expensive have become extremely popular option. Some dentists aren't aware that with the new custom implant options alignment is much easier then before.
Wax Up for Treatment Planning
We can make wax ups for dental treatment planning. Sometimes it is easiest to see a real life example of what the teeth will actually look like before prosthetics are actually made.
Dream Tap
We can provide dream tap devices under license from the Airway Management Patent. These may be an option for helping patients with sleeping disorders.
Crown and Bridge
We have a complete offering on crown and bridge including Zirconia, LiSi, E.max, Gold, Porcelain Fused to Metal, and Acrylic.
Custom abutments, implants, cement or screw retained we have a complete offering on implants.